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Choosing Materials for Natural Mattresses Sydney

 Many people nowadays choose the non-toxic and natural versions of everyday household items to limit their exposure to chemicals. Since we spend about a third of our lives in bed, the mattress should be the top priority when it comes to limiting our exposure to toxins and chemicals.

In the past, mattress manufacturers and brands have been notorious for using toxic materials in their products. However, with the increasing demand for greener products, many brands nowadays offer natural and non-toxic mattresses. When it comes to natural mattress materials, you have several options. The most popular options include the following:

Natural Latex Foam

Latex is harvested from the sap of the rubber tree, which is durable and a highly sustainable crop. These trees don't require pesticides and can be tapped multiple times before being cut down. This entire process makes natural latex an eco-friendly option.

Latex foam can be either natural and synthetic. Synthetic latex is not recommended as a mattress material because it is often made with toxic chemicals that aren't safe for human contact. On the other hand, natural latex foams, e.g. Talalay or Dunlop latex, are safer options. Natural latex materials like these are highly durable, resistant to mould growth, biodegradable, and antimicrobial.

Organic Cotton

Cotton is a hardy, fast-growing crop that is used in everything from clothing to bedding. It is naturally soft, breathable, hypoallergenic, and makes an ideal mattress material. However, because of the popularity of cotton, these crops are generally very saturated with pesticides. When buying a mattress featuring organic cotton, it is highly recommended that you look for one that uses a certified version of the material.

Organic Wool

Wool is commonly used in toxin-free natural mattresses since it is an organic flame retardant. Organic wool also helps to regulate body moisture and heat. Although it is a natural material, some mattress manufacturers often treat it with chemicals. So, only choose a mattress with certified organic wool as it does not have any chemical preservatives or additives.

Natural Flame Retardants

Apart from natural foam materials, you should also pay attention to flame retardants used for the mattress and choose natural materials for this. Following are the most popular options for natural mattresses:

Pure Wool

Wool is natural fire-resistant and doesn't need to be treated with any chemicals. Many mattress manufacturers nowadays include a wool fire retardant just under the surface of the mattress. This layer protects sleepers from a fire without having to use any toxic additives.


Silica is another natural material option for flame retardant. It is an abundant, naturally occurring mineral found in plants, soil, and water. When dehydrated and reduced to a particle, Silica acts as a natural fire retardant. Because of its properties, it is one of the most widely used natural fire-resistant materials for mattresses and other products.

The Bottom Line

Generally, we spend about a third of our lives in bed, so choosing materials for the mattress that will not harm us from long-term exposure is essential. Choosing natural foam materials, flame-retardants, as well as verifying certifications for those materials, will help you ensure that the mattress you buy is truly non-toxic.

Rockdale Mattress Factory offers natural mattresses Sydney to suit the Australian climate in any size and any shape.


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