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Key Elements of Excellent Landscape Design Sydney

 The joy of successful landscape design lies in the uniqueness and individuality of the site. No piece of land is identical to any other, even if it is in the same neighbourhood. Every landscape has its own relationship with sunlight, drainage, soil, wind, and other factors that affect the finished product.

Of course, even though each landscape setting is unique, there are certain universal elements of a good landscape design. When planning any renovations to your landscape, it is highly recommended to keep those elements in mind. They include the following:


Everything about your landscaping project should offer a feeling of unity. All elements of your landscape, e.g. grass, bushes, trees, etc., are supposed to complement each other and create a consistent theme and harmony.

There are a couple of ways landscape design services achieve unity in these projects. Sorting all your plants by their shape is a great way to enhance the view. Repetition is another popular way of achieving harmony within the design; adding a little diversity is also essential. You can do that by repetitively arranging all your objects. Feel free to vary the patterns: short-high-short-high, square-round-square, big-small-big, etc.


The lines of your landscaping have a massive impact on the overall effect. This may include the shapes of planting beds, water features, walkways, etc. – basically anything that draws attention through the landscape. Symmetry, geometric forms, and straight lines all contribute to a more formal landscape. On the other hand, organically shaped planting beds, winding paths, and curving edges create a more casual effect.

Colour and Texture

There is much more to using colour and texture in landscape design than just selecting a few bright, vibrant flowers. Colour and texture set a specific ambience, affect the mood of your landscaping, and direct the eye where you want it to go. For example, a highly contrasting colour pairing like yellow and orange is attention-grabbing and forceful. But, on the other hand, a monochromatic palette of different shades of purple can help you create a relaxing atmosphere.


This element is pretty obvious. You basically want to avoid using too many colours and details. It is recommended that you use all the objects to make the landscape look attractive but not overloaded with details. However, your approach should be balanced as you don't want your landscape to look too dull or monotonous. You can use many complex patterns to combine lighting, water, and various décor within simple unity.


A landscape design is incomplete without at least one focal point. A focal point is an area that draws and holds the attention of the viewer. This could be a water feature, a piece of art, or an ornamental tree. The focal point can also change with the season or even time of day. Landscape lighting is an excellent way to draw attention and highlight certain features of your yard.

These are the essential elements of excellent landscape design. If you plan to give your landscaping a new look, then be sure to engage landscape design Sydney that takes advantage of these key elements to create the landscape of your dreams.


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