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Landscape Design Sydney – How to Get it Right

 There are a few fundamental principles and elements that one should keep in mind when it comes to landscape design Sydney. In the centre of these critical elements is the basic concept that form follows function. The style and shape of your landscape are actualized by how exactly you plan to use it. To get it right, here are some guidelines that you should consider following:

What Do You Need and What Do You Want?

Use these questions as a starting point. Are you hoping for a quiet place for reading, a place to play, or a combination of both? Or perhaps you want to create a place to grow your favourite herbs and vegetables for cooking. It is recommended that you create a list of your specific preferences and needs and draw a sketch of how you would like everything to fit together.

Thoroughly Assess Your Yard

Thoroughly assess your yard and determine a few key things. What is the path of the sun? How does the wind move through the yard? You can block and direct winds with trees and shrubs or create sitting areas out of their line. Locate the sunniest spots and determine the best places to plant your trees. Having a place to play and relax that's sheltered from the sun and heat. Map the sun's angle and develop a strategy for watering to know what and how to plant.

Live in the Space

It's a great idea to live in a space before you start digging in. This is because you may not know how or if it fits in with your plan until you sit in a spot and take time in one space or another. Find a different place to sit every day. Take note of potential focal points and how these places interact with your home. Don't forget to check the views from the windows.

Keep it Simple

The most straightforward approach is typically the best. Your final decision regarding your landscape design doesn't need to be overdone or completed. Instead, you should include only the things that matter to you the most. Start small and start with a framework that lets you quickly move from the inside of your home to the patio, veggie plot, or flowers.

Consider Focal Points and Borrowed Views

It is essential to incorporate the views beyond the yard. It would help to place plants and trees to frame existing views strategically. You can create new views by adding a group of trees or even a single tree as a focal point. Plant trees that provide vibrant colours in fall and offer shade in summer. Flowering trees like crabapples, buckeyes, or dogwoods are great choices.

Choose the Plants You Love

A landscape design isn't complete without some favourite plants. Keep a running list of the plants that you wish to grow. Then assess your yard to determine what's possible. Sun-loving plants are an ideal choice if you are working part shade. Don't forget to develop a watering plan based on the needs of your plants.

Ultimately, never take anything for granted with landscape design Sydney. If you have dense shrubbery or trees, create a design around them. With the right attitude, new possibilities for landscape design will arise.


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