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Benefits of a Garden Makeover Sydney This Autumn

 Garden makeover and landscaping is an art that can completely refresh the look and feel of your outdoor space. It also adds value to a property. 

Autumn is considered the best time of the year for a garden makeover because lots of plants are suitable for planting in this season. Autumn plays a crucial role in ensuring that you get the best growth and outcomes come spring. Following are the top benefits and reasons why you should give your garden a makeover this autumn:

Less Stress on Plants

Trees, shrubs, and perennials have a lot of work when planted in the spring. They have to adapt to their new environment, produce flowers and leaves, endure the increasing heat and keep growing. All of this adds stress that can damage or even kill your plantings. The good news is that you can eliminate that stress by simply planting them in the autumn season. Plants, trees, and shrubs can go dormant above ground even as their roots mature below the surface, helping them get well-established and robust before the growing season.

Explosive Plant Growth in Spring

If you perform the garden makeover in autumn, you will ensure that your plants have time to prepare for a productive growing season in spring. Plants have to devote more energy to survive if the transplanting occurs during the spring season. On the other hand, when they get comfortable during the autumn season, it ensures explosive growth in spring.

Enjoy Better Herbs and Vegetables

If you like to grow many vegetables in your garden, then the autumn season is the best time for planting cold-hardy herbs and vegetables. Without the scorching heat of the summer, many herbs tend to taste better as they lose some of their sharp bitterness. Vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage make a great autumn crop and can even be grown and harvested into the winter in case of a late frost.

New Plants Are More Likely to Survive

Since the growth of plants is slowed down during the autumn, the plants are less likely to experience shock during the transplanting process. Even if you are very careful, shock can be severe enough to kill all types of trees and plants. The best way to make sure that your new plants stay comfortable and survive is to plant them during the autumn as a part of your garden makeover.

Easy Maintenance and Care

Garden makeover and landscaping are a lot of work but seeing your hard work come to life each spring is exciting. New plantings and seedlings require regular fertilising and watering. As the temperatures rise, you need to take extra care of your new garden. But in the autumn season, you eliminate many of those concerns. Autumn plantings require less watering as the season is generally wetter anyway, and the temperatures are not high enough to quickly dry the ground out.

No matter what garden makeover or landscaping jobs you plan to do, you highly recommend doing them during the autumn season. Considering the various benefits listed above, your efforts will surely pay off.

Leaf Stone Water specialises in garden makeover Sydney; feel free to contact us today!


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