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Concrete Grinding Sydney: How to Repair Cracks

 Concrete is an incredibly durable and stable material, but it is not indestructible. Cracks, whether by poor design or natural occurrence, do happen. 

Fortunately, it is possible to repair concrete cracks in foundations, patios, sidewalks, walkways, driveways, etc. With the right tools and methods, you can make them virtually disappear. Read on to learn how to repair cracks and what approaches concrete grinding Sydney use to deal with them.

Types of Cracks

Before you proceed, you must learn about the types of concrete cracks. There are two main categories: static and moving. Static cracks are minor cracks. They are hairline flaws that only occur at the surface of the concrete. Generally, they require little or no repair, and regular surface prep is enough to deal with them.

Moving cracks, on the other hand, are more serious. They are usually structural and occur through the whole depth of the concrete. Causes for moving cracks include improper subgrade compaction, not isolating new concrete from the old, and insufficient spacing of control joints. If the crack is more expansive than a credit card width, it’s probably a moving/active crack and should be repaired before resurfacing the slab.

Repair Methods

It is highly recommended that you contact your local concrete grinding services for advice regarding the repair method that is ideal for use for your specific situation. It is also essential to ensure that each crack is thoroughly cleaned before filling. Here are some methods that are proven to be effective:

Cracking, Chasing, Cleaning, and Filling

Use an angle grinder with a quality diamond blade to map out the crack. Next, remove all the debris using a shop vac or compressed air. Then use a semi-rigid material to fill the crack.

Installing New Control Joints

Once you have filled the cracks, it is recommended that you saw-cut a new control joint close to them. This will help relieve contraction and expansion stresses in the slab.

Epoxy Injection

This is one of the most effective methods to repair concrete cracks. If appropriately used, cracks are unlikely to reappear. However, this method is time-consuming, expensive, and requires skill. Concrete grinding Sydney professionals mount ports in the cracks at intervals equal to the thickness of the concrete and then inject epoxy through those ports via a low-pressure pump.

Crack Stitching

This is another effective method. To proceed, you will need to drill holes on both sides of the crack. Then use metal strips or wires featuring a U-shape design to span the affected area and epoxy or grout. Keep in mind that this is also a costly and time-consuming method. But it is no doubt very effective.

Concrete cracks occur for many reasons. Sometimes a natural shift in the ground is the cause. Other times, cracks happen when concrete is mixed with too much water or is not given enough time to cure. Whatever the case may be, there are ways to repair those cracks. The above-listed methods are recommended.

City Cut can provide all aspects of concrete grinding Sydney. Contact us today!


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