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Eliminating the Risk of Damage to Existing Underground Utilities with Vacuum Excavation

 With congested underground roadways and easements, it is becoming more and more important to visually identify the location of underground utilities – sewer, telecommunications, water, fibre, gas, etc. – to prevent accidental damage to them. However, using a shovel or a compact excavator to expose the line is risky as it could damage the utility. Fortunately, vacuum excavation exists, and it is the perfect solution to eliminate the risk of damage to existing underground utilities.

Over the last two decades, the demand for vacuum excavation has significantly increased. Underground municipalities and contractors are increasingly using vacuum excavators to minimize utility damage. Vacuum excavation is safe for both new and existing underground utilities, and it has a wide range of other applications as well.

How it Works

Vacuum excavation uses high-pressure compressed air or water to enter and break up the soil and remove the loose material via a powerful vacuum unit. Commonly known as keyholding or potholing, this specific method of excavation can effectively reveal buried utilities without causing any damage to underground lines, pipes, conduits, etc., in the process.

The applications of vacuum excavation extend beyond exposing underground utilities. They are widely used while boring to pull the mixing fluids used quickly. Sign installers and municipalities also use vacuum excavation because it helps minimize restoration work at the end of the project.

Primary Benefits

Following are the primary benefits of vacuum excavation:

    Significant reduction of utility damages whilst excavating in the footpath and highway during construction works.

    Increased productivity and safety as opposed to traditional excavation methods.

    Up to a third reduced excavation size as opposed to using a mini-digger.

    Vacuum excavators are much safer to use in high-risk areas thanks to their extension tube that insulates the workforce and vehicle.

    The use of hydraulic power arms reduces manual handling and increases maneuverability.

Environmental and Safety Benefits

Vacuum excavation significantly reduces the amount of underground utility damage and solidifies industries' commitment to adopting sustainable practices. The environmental and safety benefits of vacuum excavation include (but are not limited to) the following:

    More efficient, faster excavation as compared to traditional excavation methods. Projects are completed much more quickly, leading to minimum disruption to the public, customers, and environment members.

    No excess spoil. This means there is no danger of contamination into surface drains or water.

    Reduced overall excavation size means less excavated spoil to be recycled or tipped, which substantially impacts the environment.

    The less manual effort, hence avoidance of sprains and strains to operatives.

    Increased operational safety as there is minimal need for access and egress.

The use of vacuum excavation is rising not because of necessity but also due to its viability. The ability to effectively and quickly remove debris and dirt while eliminating the risk of damage to existing underground utilities is essential to municipalities and contractors. 

Sure Search has a fleet of non-destructive excavation trucks ranging in size and capabilities from 4x4 trucks to combination drain cleaning trucks, while tanks range in size from 4,000 to 10,000 litres. Before you hire vacuum excavation services, be sure to compare what excavator units they use as they vary from one service provider to another.


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